A story of freshness

An avid animal lover and an advocate for sustaining the environment and love for self, Jhade believes in building a brand that not only focuses on skin-care but aims to inspire change and educate consumers, as it pertains to ways in which their simple self-care routine can impact the world over. Born out of her own desperate need to remedy her dry, flaking and itchy skin caused by medication she was taking for an illness. She noticed that mainstream products filled with synthetics and mineral oils weren't helping, rather they made them worse. Thus began the countless months of research for a solution. D.i.y after d.i.y, various natural and organic ingredients filled her kitchen cupboard. She soon decided to start her own business, with the prompting of family and friends, of course.
She knew that her journey would require patience, perseverance, and knowledge so she enrolled in an online Cosmetic Science school and earned her Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation. She was then able to hone her skills as a Formulator to develop high-end, innovative, self-care products that actually WORK!
Essenza dell'amore aims to help you gain self-confidence, allowing your inner beauty to shine through. Join us in appreciating the powerful, beautifying effects of the natural ingredients God has given to us and start living your BEST LIFE!