We at Essenza dell'amore are pioneers for change. We believe that, as much as we are using the earth's resources to create beautifully handcrafted, natural cosmetics. We must work to help restore what we have used.
For this reason, we have partnered with TreeSisters to embed ecological restoration into every purchase of our Happy Hour face crème.
We are donating a portion of the proceeds towards the planting of these trees.
Essenza's goal is to plant 1000 trees by July 2021.
Partnering with TreeSisters, will help restore forests in eight major ecosystems including Madagascar, India, Brazil, Kenya and Nepal.

Treesisters-who are We?
TreeSisters challenges everyone to do as much radical good as they can for the planet. Our
generous global network of treesisters is transforming both lives and landscapes in
extraordinary ways.
TreeSisters offers unique global programs that focus on encouraging
women's leadership, Nature-connection, and significant behaviour change.
TreeSisters is funding the restoration of environments, biodiversity, and communities within eight major ecosystems around the world, through a diverse portfolio of vetted, trusted reforestation projects.
Join us in making ecological restoration the new norm - www.treesisters.org
Climate change-what is it? what are the effects?
Climate change refers to significant, long-term changes in the global climate.
The global climate is the connected system of the sun, earth and oceans, wind, rain and snow, forests, deserts and savannahs, and everything people do, too. The climate of a place, say, Trinidad, can be described as its rainfall, changing temperatures during the year and so on.
But the global climate is more than the “average” of the climates of specific places. A description of the global climate includes how, for example, the rising temperature of the Pacific feeds typhoons which blow harder, drop more rain and cause more damage, but also shifts global ocean currents that melt Antarctica ice which slowly makes sea-level rise until Trinidad will be under water.
It is this systemic connectedness that makes global climate change so important and so complicated.
The evidence of climate change can be seen in melting glaciers, rising sea levels, flooding, worsening droughts, super-cell storms, and increasing tornadoes, simply to name a few.
With your help, we can make a difference. Together we can reverse the impact of climate change. JOIN US IN RESTORING OUR PLANET.